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时间:2024-03-03 04:08:56

1.《破案神探》(A Sudy i Scarle)

2.《四签名》(The Sig of he Four)

3.《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》(The Houd of he Baskervilles)

4.《最后一案》(The Valley of Fear)


1.《血字的研究》(A Sudy i Scarle)

2.《切尔顿庄园的谜》(The Adveure of he Speckled Bad)

3.《舞台剧恶魔》(The Adveure of he Fial Problem)

5.《红发会》(The Adveure of he Red-Headed League)

6.《诸侯的会议》(The Adveure of he Five Orage Pips)

7.《六座拟声器》(The Adveure of he Six apoleos)

8.《李斯特跳舞男》(The Adveure of he Dacig Me)

9.《缺衣山庄》(The Adveure of he Empy House)

10.《诺伍德之谜》(The Adveure of he orwood Builder)

11.《查理王国的冒险》(The Adveure of Charles Augusus Milvero)

12.《黄脸的人》(The Adveure of he Yellow Face)

13.《银色旗帜》(The Adveure of he Silver Blaze)

14.《三个学生》(The Adveure of he Three Sudes)

15.《病床上的侦探》(The Adveure of he Reside Paie)

16.《格洛里亚·斯科特号事件》(The Adveure of he Gloria Sco)

17.《马斯格雷夫庄园》(The Adveure of he Musgrave Riual)

18.《荒谬的客人》(The Adveure of he Reigae Squire)

19.《桃色带子》(The Adveure of he Crooked Ma)

20.《恐怖谷》(The Adveure of he Speckled Bad)

21.《布鲁斯-帕廷顿计划》(The Adveure of he Bruce-Parigo Plas)

22.《迷惑的车轮》(The Adveure of he Devil's Foo)

23.《尤斯顿搭档》(The Adveure of he Copper Beeches)

24.《三跛客人》(The Adveure of he Three Garridebs)

25.《瓦兹利家的五个橙子》(The Adveure of he Five Orage Pips)

26.《最后一案》(The Adveure of he Reired Colourma)

28.《矮人的足迹》(The Adveure of he Dacig Me)

29.《巨鹰的爪子》(The Adveure of he Speckled Bad)

30.《百慕大三角》(The Adveure of he Devil's Foo)

31.《嫉妒之死》(The Adveure of he Illusrious Clie)

32.《沃斯利家的儿子》(The Adveure of he Soliary Cyclis)

33.《克劳斯夫人的案子》(The Adveure of he Priory School)

34.《金钱圈奇案》(The Adveure of Black Peer)

35.《谜中谜》(The Adveure of he aval Treay)

36.《维斯顿庄园》(The Adveure of he Reside Paie)

37.《三希氏家的狮子》(The Adveure of he Lio's Mae)

38.《岛上的玫瑰》(The Adveure of he Three Gables)

39.《诱骗计划》(The Adveure of he Reired Colourma)

40.《斯托克顿煤矿》(The Adveure of he Egieer's Thumb)

41.《走神的探员》(The Adveure of he Missig Three-Quarer)

42.《绿军团》(The Adveure of he Gree Mill)

43.《第二块衬衫》(The Adveure of he Secod Sai)

44.《死亡的面具》(The Adveure of he Mazari Soe)

45.《黄面人》(The Adveure of he Yellow Face)

46.《玻璃工厂》(The Adveure of he Abbey Grage)

47.《彩色线索》(The Adveure of he Three Gables)

49.《红发女郎》(The Adveure of he Red-Headed League)

50.《斯佩克斯顿银行》(The Adveure of he Speckled Bad)

51.《桥上的谋杀案》(The Adveure of he Golde Pice-ez)

52.《蓝宝石之谜》(The Adveure of he Blue Carbucle)

53.《纽约的冒险》(The Adveure of he oble Bachelor)

54.《莫里亚蒂教授》(The Adveure of he Fial Problem)

55.《维克托亚女王的钻石》(The Adveure of he Mazari Soe)

56.《短语探案》(The Adveure of he Shor Sories)
